
The Course- GCSE Music 

Pupils who study music at GCSE have the opportunity to expand on their practical skills by participation in performing and composing tasks. To compliment this, pupils broaden their knowledge of different styles of music in the listening element of the course.

Course Structure

The course has three key areas:
Performing/Perfformio (Internally Assessed Coursework) – 32.5% 

The examination involves pupils performing two pieces of music in a 4-6 minute recital which takes place in the second year of study. Each pupil can choose to perform solos or independent parts within ensembles, or a combination of both, in their chosen style(s) of music, Pupils can choose to perform on any instrument or voice, or technology, or a combination of these. Pupils will be prepared for this element of the course through class based performing lessons and regular tuition from peripatetic staff.

Composing/Cyfansoddi (Internally Assessed Coursework) – 32.5%  

Pupils compose two original pieces of music with a recommended total duration of between 3-6 minutes, one in response to their own devised brief and one in response to a brief set by WJEC.  The department has the facilities for pupils to record and computer generate the compositions developing new ICT skills in our students. Pupils then write a reflective log based on one of their compositions in controlled assessment conditions.

Listening/Gwrando – 35% (Listening Examination Paper) 

Pupils answer questions requiring objective responses, short and extended answers, in response to the chosen set works and unseen extracts of music. Skills in musical theory, the analysis of both prepared and unprepared extracts, recognition of key features and evaluative skills are then tested in a listening examination at the end of the course.

How much practical work is there? Lots – but there is also written work.  You will also be expected to rehearse in your own time and take part in performances with various ensembles and groups.  Pupils will have the opportunity to participate in existing school groups and also set up their own ensembles. They will also have the chance to compose their own music and realise their compositions in live performances.

Other Information

Higher education institutions are becoming increasingly competitive, this is also true of the job market.  Potential employers and courses are not just looking at grades but also seek out those who stand out from the crowd. The diverse nature of the study of music instils highly desirable skills such as self-management, team work, IT skills, problem solving and communication. Many employers choose music graduates because they have experienced many of the skills which define employability.